
Dyptich of Şerban Vodă Church, Bucureşti, 1763
Ms. rom. 3445

Dyptich of Zăvideni Church, Vâlcea, 1815
Ms. rom. 5720

Dyptich of Celeiu Church, Romanați County, 1832
Ms. rom. 4603

Dyptich of the St. Elias Church, Câmpulung, Wallachia, 18th.-19th. cent.
Ms. rom. 4857

Chronographia, Wallachia, 18th. Cent.
Ms. rom. 4243

Prayers, Săliște, 1847-1872
Ms. rom. 4912

The Book of Psaltic Chant, Wallachia, Bistrița Monastery, 1833
Ms. rom. 3630

Verses to some saints, Sălişte, 1854
Ms. rom. 5949

Religious poetry, Săliște, 1847-1850
Ms. rom. 4826

Octoechos, Moldova, 1838
Ms. rom. 3510