Miscellany, s. l., [17th.-18th. cent.].
Ms. gr. 1106
Miscellany, Wallachia, 1780
Ms. rom. 1414
Litourgikon, Wallachia, 18th. cent (1st. half)
Ms. gr. 1448
Irmologion, Moldova, 19th. cent.
Ms. sl. 610
Miscellany of Ascetic Literature and Prayers, s.l., 1819
Ms. rom. 3536
Religious Miscellany, Bucharest, 1812
Ms. rom. 4270
Heirmologion, Walachia, Chițorani, 1834
Ms. rom. 3334
Miracles of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Bucharest, 18th. cent.
Ms. rom. 1830
Dyptich of the Brâncoveni Monastery, Wallachia, 1843
Ms. rom. 2076
Chronographia, Moldova, 1689
Ms. rom. 86