
Dyptich of the Râmnic Bishopric metochion, Wallachia, 1789
Ms. rom. 2098

Dyptich of Nedeia village church, Ostroveni, 1793
Ms. rom. 2108

Monastic Rule, Wallachia, 1695
Ms. rom. 2191

The Life and Miracles of Saint Gregory of Dekapolis, Bistriţa Monastery, 1804
Ms. rom. 2180

Mirror of Theology, Râmnic, 1779
Ms. rom. 2567

Dyptich of Țânțăreni Monastery, Wallachia, 1816
Ms. rom. 2109

Dyptich of All Saints Church, Caracal, 1815
Ms. rom. 5510

Stavrophilia, Wallachia, 18th cent.
Ms. rom. 2130

Psalter, Wallachia, 1754
Ms. rom. 2711

”Flower” - Miscellany, Bucureşti, 1813-1831
Ms. rom. 3404