
Saint Nicholas
Frequently depicted in icons and manuscript illuminations, less in fresco, St. Nicholas is represented frontally, either standing, bust or seated, as an elderly man with a full white beard, as well as his hair around a balding head.

Saint Onuphrius
The hermit Onuphrius, also known as Onuphrius the Great, who spent almost his entire life in the Desert of Thebaid, probably during the 4th. or 5th. century, is an example of ascetic life being considered one of the Desert Fathers.

Saint Paphnutius of Egypt (of Thebes)
There are several saints and martyrs of this name, and at least two of them were hermits, but only one was martyred during the reign of Emperor Diocletian, known as the St. Holy Martyr Paphnutius of Egypt.

Saint Paul - as Saint of the Heavenly Court
Depicted together with all the other saints (in iconographic subjects such as the Doomsday), or in less numerous groups, even represented alone, as in patron or votive icons, St. Paul is usually presented in a frontal position, clad, according to the Anci

Saint Philothea of Arges
St. Philothea or Filofteia lived at the beginning of the 13th. Century in Tarnovo (today Veliko Tarnovo) in Bulgaria, but her relics were brought to Curtea de Arges, in Wallachia, during the reign of Mircea cel Batran (the Elder), 1385-1418.

Solomon, the King and Prophet
King Solomon is depicted frontal or profile, usually bust. Almost without exception he is clad in rich Byzantine vestments.

St. Joseph's Bewilderment
The theme of "St. Joseph's Bewilderment", better known as St. Joseph's (First) Dream, is based on the Gospel, namely Matthew 1:18-24.

St. Symeon the New Theologian
There is no standard iconographic representation for St. Symeon the New Theologian.

Theophylact of Ohrid
One of the most outstanding commentators of the Gospels, Theophylact is almost always represented in a frontal standing posture, or a torso within a medallion.

Theotokos Intercessor (Agiosortissa)
Theotokos Intercessor, or Agiosortissa, is a feast in the Orthodox liturgical calendar. It also represents the canonical image, based on a relevant posture and gesture of the Virgin, in other themes.

The Virgin with Child Enthroned
In Byzantine and Post-Byzantine art The Virgin Enthroned with Child is a frequently illustrated theme, present in monumental art, icon painting and illuminated manuscripts.

The Virgin with Child Pelagonitissa
It is an iconographic sub-theme of Glykophilousa-type representations, also known as the Virgin with the Playing Child

The Visitation
The theme illustrates the episode mentioned in the Gospel (cf. Luke 1:39-56). when, after the Annunciation, the Virgin Mary pays a visit to St. Elizabeth.

The Votive Portrait
Although it doesn’t belong to the Byzantine iconographic repertory, whenever the donation is a church, icon or illuminated manuscript, the votive portrait may be part of the dedicatory work of art.